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TitleWastewater use in agriculture : review of impacts and methodological issues in valuing impacts
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2002
Authorsvan der Hoek, W, Hussain, I, Raschid, L, Hanjra, MA, Marikar, F
Secondary TitleWorking paper / IWMI
Volumeno. 37
Paginationv, 55 p. : 5 tab.
Date Published2002-01-01
PublisherInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Place PublishedColombo, Sri Lanka
ISBN Number9290904720
Keywordscost benefit analysis, crop production, data analysis, ecology, economic aspects, health impact, impact assessment, irrigation, methodology, public health, sdisan, social aspects, wastewater recycling, wastewater treatment
NotesExtended list of bibliographical refernces: p. 37-55
Custom 1351.2



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