The Technical Department of the Latin America and Caribbean Region of the World Bank, together with host countries in the region, organized a series of seminars in 1995-96 to explore viable options for speeding up wastewater treatment.
Title | Wastewater treatment in Latin America : old and new options |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1997 |
Authors | Idelovitch, E, Ringskog, K |
Secondary Title | Directions in development / World Bank |
Pagination | ix, 68 p. : 10 fig., 9 tab. |
Date Published | 1997-08-01 |
Publisher | World Bank |
Place Published | Washington, DC, USA |
ISBN Number | 0821339699 |
Keywords | case studies, chile, economic aspects, financing, latin america, mexico, private sector, sdilac, sdisan, sludge treatment, wastewater treatment, water reuse |
Abstract | The Technical Department of the Latin America and Caribbean Region of the World Bank, together with host countries in the region, organized a series of seminars in 1995-96 to explore viable options for speeding up wastewater treatment. The seminars focused on the technological and financial options available for municipal wastewater treatment and use. Also discussed was the Bank's technical and financial support of wastewater sector development in Latin America. This book, a review of the seminars, includes a general and simplified description of the available wastewater treatment technologies and implementation methods. The publication focuses on the debate on wastewater management and ways of investing in its treatment. |
Notes | 12 ref. |
Custom 1 | 341.0, 827 |