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TitleWastewater storage and treatment reservoirs in Northeast Brazil
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsMara, DD, Pearson, HW, Silva, SA, de Oliveira, R, Oragui, JI, Cawley, LR
Secondary TitleResearch monographs in tropical public health engineering
Volumeno. 12
Paginationviii, 34 p. : 7 fig., 21 tab.
Date Published1996-12-01
PublisherUniversity of Leeds, Department of Civil Engineering
Place PublishedLeeds, UK
Keywordsammonia, anaerobic lagoons, brazil northeast region, comparative analysis, faecal coliforms, field studies, irrigation, nitrogen, oxidation ponds, pathogens, phosphorus, research, reservoirs, sulphides, wastewater treatment, water reuse
Notes13 ref.
Custom 1341.9




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