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TitleWASH technology information packages : for UNICEF WASH programme and supply personnel
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsBaumann, E, Montangero, A, Sutton, S, Erpf, K
Pagination190 p. : ill.
Date Published2010-01-01
Place PublishedCopenhagen, Denmark
Keywordsappropriate technology, boreholes, drilling rigs, guidelines, hand pumps, piped distribution, sdisan, sdiwat, sludge, solar-powered pumps

The WASH technology information packages (TIPs) are a practical set of guidelines and selection tools for WASH programme and supply staff. The following WASH technologies are covered:
1. Hand pumps for drinking water
2. Boreholes and drilling equipment for rural water supply
3. Solar powered pumping
4. Motorized and small piped systems
5. Faecal sludge emptying equipment

The TIPs are linked to Excel spreadsheets giving selection tools and bills of quantity.

The TIPs describe in detail selected technologies and indicate how a programme using these technologies could be implemented. In addition, they indicate the supervisory services necessary to ensure that the quality of work is satisfactory and that contractors adhere to standards and specifications. The TIPs provide detailed information about how to specify the equipment which is hoped will lead to clearer communication and quicker processing of equipment as well as a better understanding between the officers in supply division and supply sections and programme officers. The TIPs are easily adaptable to be used in training sessions.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1201, 301


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