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Recording of the hybrid session around establishing approaches for strengthening WASH systems in six countries as part of the WASH Systems for Health programme, during the UNC Water and Health Conference 2023

TitleWASH Systems for Health: establishing approaches to strengthening WASH systems in six countries in Africa and Asia
Publication TypeVideo
Year of Publication2023
Corporate AuthorsForeign Commonwealth & Development Office, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of Leeds, IRC
Pagination1 hour 30 minutes
Date Published11/2023
PublisherUNC Water and Health Conference
Publication LanguageEnglish

Recording of the hybrid session around establishing approaches for strengthening WASH systems in six countries as part of the WASH Systems for Health programme, during the UNC Water and Health Conference at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 24 October, 2023.

Including presentations and contributions from 

  • Introduction by Lisa Rudge, Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
  • WASH systems strengthening: definitions and frameworks by Vida Duti, Country Director, IRC Ghana
  • Monitoring and evaluating WASH systems strengthening by Angela Huston, Director of Strategy 
  • Research and learning agenda: interim evidence and next steps by Lauren D'Mello Guyet, Assitant Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Break out group sessions by building blocks
  • Next steps and closure by Lisa Rudge

With contributions from Ruth Sylvester, Researcher, University of Leeds and Paul Hutchings, Assistant Professor, University of Leeds.

About the project

The WASH Systems for Health (2023-2028) project supports governments in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to strengthen the systems needed to establish resilient and inclusive WASH services and end the preventable deaths of mothers, young children and infants. aims to improve health, and education outcomes, Global project partners include the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the University of Leeds, and IRC acting as the consortium lead. The project operates in Bangladesh and Nepal (led by WaterAid Bangladesh, including SNV); Malawi and Tanzania (led by SNV, including Water For People); and Nigeria and Sierra Leone (led by Self Help Africa, including Goal). The project is funded by UKAid/FCDO.



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