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The partnership for a professionalized public utility in Ghana will accelerate Ghana's quest for universal access to WASH by 2030.

TitleLeveraging partnerships for a professionalized public utility in Ghana : a review of Mole XXXIII WASH conference side event on rural water 'utilitization' in Ghana
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication2022
Corporate AuthorsGhana, RCN, IRC, CWSA), CWater and, Network, SWater, ,
Secondary TitleWASH reflections
Pagination2 p.
Date Published12/2022
PublisherRCN Ghana
Place PublishedAccra Ghana
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordspartnerships, Utilitisation

At the Mole XXXIII in Elmina Beach Resort, IRC Ghana and partners - Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), Safe Water Network (SWN) and Water and Sanitation for Urban Poor (WSUP) on the Rural Water Utilization Project (RWUP) project organized a side event to share the project framework, facilitate discussions, share experiences, and elicit stakeholder input to provide insights for the project implementation. The side event took place on 2 November 2022 under the theme leveraging partnerships for a professionalized public utility in Ghana.




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