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This paper briefly examines sectoral water allocation in various countries and regions.

TitleUsing water efficiently : technological options
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsLe Moigne, G, Xie, M, Kuffner, U
Secondary TitleWorld Bank technical paper
Volumeno. 205
Paginationviii, 52 p.: 9 fig, 11 tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0821324551
Keywordscab93/5, efficiency, recommendations, sustwrm, water conservation, water resources management, water reuse, water use

This paper briefly examines sectoral water allocation in various countries and regions. It discusses and clarifies some of the definitions of water use efficiencies under various contexts, presents estimates of sectoral efficiencies in irrigation and domestic/industrial water use, and provides intensive country examples. By highlighting factors affecting water use efficiency, the paper reviews the technological and managerial options to improve water use efficiency, presents cost comparisons, and management implications of alternatives. The paper finally discusses the effectiveness of increasing water use efficiency from a river basin point of view, and presents conclusions and policy recommendations.

Notes38 ref. - Includes an Annex on Sectoral Water Allocation by Country (145 countries)
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