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TitleUser pay system
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsChessell, S
Full Text

Arjina Khatun, the latrine caretaker, and her granddaughter Naher next to the male entrance to the latrine

The question of sustainable operation, maintenance and management of the facility was discussed often. The Bazaar Business Association said "give us a lease and we will take care of it". It was resolved that a user pay system would be introduced to collect money for ongoing maintenance and a small wage for a toilet caretaker. The rate was set similar to urban facilities; two Taka for urination and five Taka for defecation. In the beginning not all users were impressed and bargaining was common "Two taka? Na, one taka!" Some people would say "a donor has paid for this to be here for our use, why are you taking money from us?" It has taken patience and ongoing communications to explain the purpose of the tariff is to ensure sustainable and clean water and sanitation facilities in the market. Acceptance is occurring slowly but steadily. For example, some people who used the toilet and claimed to have no money later returned with a few taka and gave it to the caretaker, realising the value of the scheme and their communal responsibility.


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