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Water users' organizations are one example of community participation at work in the sectors of irrigation, drinking water supply, and sanitation.

TitleUser organizations for sustainable water services
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsJagannathan, NV, Subramanian, A, Meinzen-Dick, R
Secondary TitleWorld Bank technical paper
Volumeno. 354
Date Published1997-01-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0821338552
Keywordscase studies, community participation, institutional development, irrigation, literature reviews, partnerships, sanitation, sdicap, sdipar, sustainability, water committees, water supply, water user cooperatives

Water users' organizations are one example of community participation at work in the sectors of irrigation, drinking water supply, and sanitation. This paper looks at the conditions under which these organizations are most effective in managing water systems. It identifies key external factors and internal structures for sustainable user associations, as well as the conditions for partnership between government agencies and the associations [World Bank abstract]

NotesBibliographies: p. 68-85 ; p. 155-162
Custom 1202.2, 302.2, 205.1


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