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TitleUrban water supply and sanitation
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsDelhi, INWorld Bank, IN, IMinistry o, GB, DFIDUnited Kin
Secondary TitleSouth Asia rural development series / World Bank South Asia Region
Paginationxx, 143 p. : 26 boxes, 12 fig., 37 tab.
Date Published1999-01-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0821344625 ; ISBN: 8170239079
Keywordscapacity building, case studies, community participation, decentralization, demand responsive approaches, disposal, economic aspects, financial management, government organizations, india, institutional development, non-governmental organizations, planning, private sector, safe water supply, sanitary engineering, sdiasi, sdipol, sewage, uebw, urban areas
NotesBibliography: p. 141-143
Custom 1822, 205.40, 305.40



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