Title | Understanding governance in the WASH sector in Andhra Pradesh |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Authors | Chandrudu, MVRama, Fanaian, S, R. Naidu, S |
Secondary Title | WASHCost-CESS Working Paper |
Volume | 14 |
Pagination | 25 p.; 2 tab.; 7 boxes |
Date Published | 2011-12-01 |
Publisher | WASHCost India and CESS |
Place Published | Hyderabad |
Publication Language | English |
Keywords | governance, india andhra pradesh, service delivery, WASHCost |
Abstract | This paper attempts to bring out the influence of governance systems on the water and sanitation service levels in rural Andhra Pradesh, India. As part of WASHCost (India) Project survey was conducted in 107 villages using the participatory methodologies to elicit the information and perceptions of the different community groups on governance and service levels. Findings reveals that the WASH sector in rural Andhra Pradesh is marred by a low level of community participation, unaccountable institutions, functionaries and citizens, low levels of transparency in many of the decision making processes. Though the status of the NGP villages is marginally better in comparison to Non-NGP villages, nevertheless, the governance processes and systems need significant improvement even in NGP villages. Study suggests that the policy should focus on bringing transparency in operating systems, accountability of functionaries and citizens at various stages, and participation of local communities (particularly women and disadvantaged communities) in the villages play a crucial role in achieving and establishing better governance systems in place for better service delivery. [authors abstract] |
Notes | With references on p. 21 - 22 |
Custom 1 | 822 |