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This report describes and evaluates three research methods applicable to the environmental problems facing households and communities: i. broad spectrum household surveys; ii.

TitleUnderstanding environmental problems in disadvantaged neighborhoods : broad spectrum surveys, participatory appraisal and contingent valuation
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsLeitmann, J, Surjadi, C
Secondary TitleUrban environment series / SEI
Volumereport no. 3
Paginationxii, 146 p. : 34 tab.
Date Published1997-07-01
PublisherStockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
ISBN Number9188714500
Keywordscab97/6, contingent valuation surveys, evaluation methods, low-income communities, participatory methods, sdiman, sdiurb

This report describes and evaluates three research methods applicable to the environmental problems facing households and communities: i. broad spectrum household surveys; ii. participatory rapid assessment; and iii. contingent valuation. All the methods discussed are action-oriented, and rely on interviews, discussions and simple observations, rather than sophisticated physical tests. The three approaches tend to be associated with the advocacy of, respectively: a) governmental interventions; b) grass roots activities; and c) private sector delivery. This report assumes that each technique has its own advantages and uses depending on the situation.

NotesIncludes references Previously published by the World Bank as an informal working paper (UMP working paper ; no. 16)
Custom 1202.5, 302.5


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