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TitleUN-water global annual assessment of sanitation and drinking-water : 2008 pilot report - testing a new reporting approach
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2008
Pagination58 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Date Published2008-11-20
ISSN Number9789241597166
Keywordsdrinking water, evaluation, health education, hygiene, millennium development goals, sanitation, sdipol, statistics, water distribution, water supply

The purpose of this Global Annual Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) pilot report is to present the concept of a possible global, periodic, comprehensive reporting mechanism to inform policy-making in the sanitation and drinking-water sectors. The data sources used in the report are the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP), the OECD Development Assistance Committee Creditor Reporting System (OECD-DAC CRS), other United Nations statistics, as well as information specifically collected by GLAAS staff for this pilot study from seven countries and, jointly with the European Union Water Initiative – Africa Working Group, from 25 external support agencies.

Notes12 ref.
Custom 1820


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