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The St. Lucia Central Water Authority was paired with the Wessex Water Authority of the United Kingdom to solve its engineering, accounting and managerial difficulties.

TitleTwinning : utility pairing
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsCalixte, JM, Sanchez, H
Paginationp. 73-76: fig., photogr.
Date Published1988-01-01
Keywordsadministration, development cooperation, evaluation, monitoring, twinning, water authorities, west indies associated states, west indies associated states st lucia

The St. Lucia Central Water Authority was paired with the Wessex Water Authority of the United Kingdom to solve its engineering, accounting and managerial difficulties. The twinning, which took place from 1980-1986, allowed the St. Lucia authority to become a self-sufficent, solvent operation. There were significant increases in water production, water revenues and water quality tests, and there was a marked drop in unccounted-for-water and budget deficits.

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