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TitleTriple-S Learning Principles and Practices
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsSchouten, T, Stratton-Short, S, Lockwood, H, Magara, P, Dzansi, P, Harris, K
Pagination27 p.
Date Published03-2011

The development of a learning framework for Triple-S is challenging. Not only because of the ambition and complexity of the Triple-S initiative, but also because of the way such activities are often perceived and placed within projects. In Triple-S, learning is placed at the heart of the initiative, and is an integral part of achieving a paradigm shift away from once-off projects towards a Service Delivery Approach (SDA) for the rural water sector.

Central to Triple-S is the principles framework which contains all hypotheses for sustained rural water service delivery; it is the seed for this learning process. Tools such as SenseMakerTM and FLOW are used to learn whether progress towards sustainable service delivery is being made. The second component of the learning in Triple-S is the reflection on the way Triple-S operates as an agent of change towards sustainable services; the methods it uses such as Learning Alliances and the values it applies. Do they enable the change towards sustainable water services?

Triple-S still has to complete its first cycle of learning: June 2010 to June 2011. This framework will be adapted on the basis of the experiences in the first cycle, in particular the specifics of processes and methods. However, the approach and basic principles for learning as described in this document and as shared with the BMGF in the tool kit for strategic planning of Triple-S will be the main drivers for learning in Triple-S. Learning that already has proven to be exciting and effective for creating impact.



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