A principle-based approach to sustainable rural water services at scale : moving from vision to action This Triple-S Working Paper presents the Triple-S Principles Framework and the key concepts behind it. It provides a description of how the Principle-based Approach is being applied in Ghana and Uganda. Closing the gap : wash sector devolution and decentralisation in Malawi This Triple-S Working Paper exploring the gap between the two parallel processes of wash sector devolution and decentralisation. Arrangements and cost of providing support to rural water service providers This paper is about the costs of providing direct and indirect support to rural water service provision and provides an overview of the features such support entails, how those features can be organised, what they cost and how they can be financed. The Triple-S theory of change This working paper sets out the theory of change that guides IRC's Triple-S project. At the heart of this approach is a vision of how the rural water sector needs to function to provide sustainable services. Financing capital maintenance of rural water supply systems: current practices and future options This working paper provides evidence on current practices around funding capital maintenance and the resulting impact on services. Using ICT for monitoring rural water services : from data to action A conceptual framework for using information and communication technologies to improve service delivery in the rural water sector. Islands of success : towards water, sanitation and hygiene services for everyone, forever in Patharpratima and Sagar blocks, West Bengal, India The government of Sagar island, together with Water For People, and other partners, aim to achieve full coverage of sanitation and water supply in the next few years. They want to make sure that the services last forever. Mapping sustainability assessment tools to support sustainable water and sanitation service delivery Report reviewing five different sustainability assessment tools that are currently in use for programme monitoring of WASH- interventions. The Triple-S project Sensemaker® experience - A method tested and rejected An account of the Triple-S experience with the the use of Cognitive Edge's SenseMaker® approach to monitor changes in policy, practice and discourse of water sector professionals and water users. Mapping of water, sanitation and hygiene sustainability tools This paper contains the findings of a mapping of WASH sustainability tools currently in use, as well as the outcomes of a survey looking into demand: in short assessing the current state of the market for sustainability tools and identifying the gaps. |