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Field workers in Nigeria were trained to make structured observations on hygiene behaviour of mothers and children that had a bearing on diarrhoeal diseases.

TitleTraining field workers to observe hygiene-related behaviour
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsOladepo, O, Oyejide, CO, Oke, EA
Paginationp. 472-475
Date Published1991-10-01
Keywordsbehaviour, diarrhoeal diseases, field studies, health personnel, hygiene, nigeria oyo state oluyole, training

Field workers in Nigeria were trained to make structured observations on hygiene behaviour of mothers and children that had a bearing on diarrhoeal diseases. All trainees were females who spoke Yoruba, the local language in Oyo State where the training programme was held. It was carried out in three phases. The first phase consisted of lectures and discussions on the control of diarrhoeal diseases and the expected roles of the observers. During the second phase, role-playing was used to prepare the participants for field training in a poor urban community and in a village. The third phase focused on data collection with the use of draft structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were pretested in the same urban community which was covered in the previous phase. The revised questionnaires were then used in the village which was also visited in phase two. Investigations were carried out in pairs and repeated until a high degree of agreement was achieved between the reponses of the members of each pair, i.e. 90 per cent agreement in phase two and 95 per cent in phase three. During unscheduled visits, the trainers found that their observations corresponded closely with those recorded by the trainees.

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