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The Health Learning Materials Programme (HLM) was initiated by WHO and UNDP in 1981 to encourage national production of health teaching and learning materials.

TitleTowards self-sufficiency in health learning materials
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsDixit, H
Paginationp. 93-95
Date Published1994-01-01
Keywordshealth education, indonesia, information networks, instructional aids, local production, myanmar, nepal, primary health care, sri lanka, thailand

The Health Learning Materials Programme (HLM) was initiated by WHO and UNDP in 1981 to encourage national production of health teaching and learning materials. There are now projects in 30 countries and four networks in Africa (English, French, Arabic and Portuguese). In 1990 a South-East Asia network was formed consisting of collaborating centres in Indonesia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The HLM Centre for Health Learning Materials at the Institute of Medicine in Kathmandu, Nepal, acts as regional centre, and publishes a quartertly newsletter. The network has concentrated on producing books, while also issuing manuals, booklets, pamphlets, posters, slides and videos. It has also conducted a survey on distance education and conducted workshops. A HLM project is planned for Mongolia.

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