Title | Towards inclusive WASH : sharing evidence and experience from the field |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2012 |
Authors | Mitcham, AUWaterAid A |
Pagination | 44 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; maps |
Date Published | 2012-07-01 |
Publisher | WaterAid Australia |
Place Published | Mitcham, Vic, Australia |
Keywords | access to sanitation, access to water, case studies, disadvantaged groups, equalization, gender, hiv/aids, poverty |
Abstract | In 2010, the UN General Assembly and the Human Rights Council made the breakthrough decision to explicitly recognise the human right to water and sanitation. Now it is crucial to implement these rights and turn them into a reality for everyone. [authors abstract] Contains summaries of 16 case-studies. |
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