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TitleToward a strategic sanitation approach : improving the sustainability of urban sanitation in developing countries
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsWright, AM
Paginationiii, 38 p. : 19 boxes
Date Published1997-11-01
PublisherUNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordscase studies, community participation, cost recovery, demand responsive approaches, planning, sanitation, sdisan, sdiurb, sustainability, urban areas, willingness to pay

The strategic sanitation approach described in this document draws on the experiences and inspiration of a number of `activist technicians'. The documents seeks to draw out some of the lessons from successful sanitation experiences, to make them understandable, and ultimately, replicable by others who follow in their footsteps.

Notes8 ref.
Custom 1302.5


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