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A guide to the planning, collecting, and disseminating data on costs of environmental health services (EHS) - water, sanitation, hygiene, health care waste and environmental cleaning - in healthcare facilities.

TitleToolkit for costing environmental health services in healthcare facilities
Publication TypeTool
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAnderson, DM, J. Tracy, W, Cronk, R, Schram, H, Behnke, N, Bartram, J
Paginationvii, 99 p. : 2 fig., 3 tab.
Date Published12/2021
PublisherWater Institute at UNC
Place PublishedChapel Hill, NC, USA
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsenvironmental health, environmental health services

This toolkit is a guide to the planning, collecting, and disseminating data on costs of environmental health services (EHS) - water, sanitation, hygiene, health care waste and environmental cleaning - in healthcare facilities. It is divided into eight modules. Each module contains instructions, discussion guides, survey tools, fillable worksheets, and other tools to support data collection. Modules 1–3 support planning data collection. Module 4 collects contextual information about the facility and environmental health conditions. Modules 5–7 identify line items, assess their associated costs, and evaluate data completeness. Module 8 supports internal review of data accuracy and fitness for purpose and development of a dissemination plan.

Completing this toolkit in full will produce the following outputs:

  • Data collection plan and documentation of the data collection process
  • Contextual assessment on facility characteristics (e.g., facility size, type of services provided)
  • Contextual assessment of environmental health characteristics (e.g., number and type of improved sanitation facilities)
  • Cost spreadsheet detailing line item expenses and associated costs
  • Assessment of the completeness, accuracy, and limitations of costs data
  • Dissemination plan for distributing and applying costs findings

Includes list of definitions. Includes 8 ref.

Citation Key87863
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