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The commitment of Italian development cooperation in the sector of sanitation and health care, through the improvement of water supply infrastructure is considered in this paper. Experiences in 3 different countries are reported.

TitleThree experiences in Latin America
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsRovis, F
Paginationp. 52-56
Date Published1990-01-01
Keywordschile, development aid, dominican republic, honduras, italy, projects, safe water supply, sedimentation, water resources, water resources management

The commitment of Italian development cooperation in the sector of sanitation and health care, through the improvement of water supply infrastructure is considered in this paper. Experiences in 3 different countries are reported. In Chile a water resources and continental plateau management cooperation programme was launched to create the conditions for a more rational use of natural resources. This is to be achieved through training and research. The Valdesia reservoir mud removal programme in the Dominican Republic was initiated to solve the storage and outflow problems caused by sedimentation of the Valdesia basin, which supplies water for irrigation, feeds a hydroelectric plant and is the point of departure for the new Santo Domingo water system. In Honduras studies are being conducted and projects implemented to improve the drinking water supply of the capital.

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