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TitleThirsty cities : water, sanitation and the urban poor
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsBlack, M
Secondary TitleBriefing paper / WaterAid
Pagination15 p. : 3 fig., 2 tab.
Date Published1996-03-01
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISBN Number0951346628
Keywordsappropriate technology, cab96/5, community management, health impact, international level, low-income communities, national level, non-governmental organizations, planning, policies, safe water supply, sanitation, slums, urbanization, world water day

This briefing note is a supplement to the 1994 WaterAid report by the same author: Mega slums : the coming sanitary crisis. The new report has been prepared for World Water Day 1996 and for the City Summit - Habitat II. The "brown agenda" and the increasingly pressurised environment of urban settlements represent main themes in this report. Particularly the availability of clean water and systems of waste disposal in all urban areas, including slums and shanty towns, is seen as a vital piece in the puzzle. This briefing note provides an update of the facts concerning the sanitary crisis facing residents and authorities in many parts of the urban Third World. It sets out the key changes in infrastructural policy needed to bring the crisis under control, and it examines the recent record of policy and practice for signs of progress.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1205.42, 305.42
Original PublicationMega-slums : the coming sanitary crisis


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