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The report evaluates the involvement of women in nine projects in African countries, including water supply and sanitation projects in Kenya, Niger, and Swaziland.

TitleThematic evaluation on the integration of women in rural development : evaluation of nine projects financed by the European Development Fund in Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Kenya, Niger, Swaziland, Togo and Zambia : synthesis report
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsNugteren, M, Lingen, A
Secondary TitleCEC evaluation series
Volumeno. 2
Paginationix, 122 p.: map
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherEuropean Commission, Directorate General for Development
Place PublishedBrussels, Belgium
Keywordsafrica, botswana, burkina faso, cameroon, checklists, community participation, evaluation, international organizations, kenya, niger, policies, projects, rural development, safe water supply, sanitation, swaziland, togo, women, zambia

The report evaluates the involvement of women in nine projects in African countries, including water supply and sanitation projects in Kenya, Niger, and Swaziland. The report deals with women's participation in all stages of the projects, including the effects of the projects on women and the consequences of (non-)integration on cost-efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the projects. The general recommendations focus on ways to integrate the policy on Women and Development (WID) more systematically and consistently in the EEC's development assistance in Africa. It is recommended to improve access for women to extension and training services. It is reiterated that the possible effect of new technology on women's workload needs to be taken into account. More specifically referring to the water and sanitation sector, the report points out possible improvements: synchronisation of technical performance and human resources development; promotion of women's participation in local water committees; development of health education; integration of women in monitoring and evaluation. The report includes a summary of findings for each project and a series of checklists for WID.

NotesBibliography: Annex 6, p. 1-5. - See also isn 9569 (R) and isn 10449
Custom 1101, 121, 814


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