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This technical brief examines the key issues involved in providing sanitation to low-income urban communities.

TitleTechnical brief no. 61 : on-plot sanitation in urban areas
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsSaywell, D, Shaw, R
Paginationp. 17-20 : 3 drwngs., 4 tab.
Date Published1999-07-01
Keywordsconstraints, groundwater pollution, insects, manual removal, mechanical removal, odour, on-site disposal, operation, sanitation, sdisan, sdiurb, ue njb, urban areas, use of facilities

This technical brief examines the key issues involved in providing sanitation to low-income urban communities. It clarifies the differences between on-plot and on-site systems are clarified, and discusses why people lack latrines, what users want, optimum plot size, and common operational problems (especially odour/insect nuisance and groundwater pollution) and maintenance issues. The findings are based on extensive consultation with urban householders in Africa and Asia.

Notes6 ref.
Custom 1320


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