Title | Tech pack : steps for implementing rural water supply and sanitation projects |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1990 |
Authors | Roark, P, Yacoob, M |
Secondary Title | Wash technical report |
Volume | no. 62 |
Pagination | v, 111 p.: fig. |
Date Published | 1990-01-01 |
Publisher | Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH) |
Place Published | Arlington, VA, USA |
Keywords | community management, community participation, guidelines, health education, maintenance, monitoring, operation, planning, sustainable development, sustcmt, water committees |
Abstract | To achieve sustainable rural water and sanitation projects the water system, the sanitation system, hygiene education, and community development need to be integrated at the managerial as well as the field level at each stage of the project. The integration develops the groundwork for a community to take on management responsibilities of the improved sources. Community responsibility should be an important part of the project's start-up phase and all phases of the project. At each stage of the project the community develops certain skills and accomplishes certain goals before the project proceeds to the next stage. The guide focuses on the interactions that the extension agent has with the project staff and communities.. |
Notes | Includes references |
Custom 1 | 202.5, 205.1 |