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The transition from water trucking towards sustainable, utility-led water service models for long-term refugee populations.

TitleSustaining water services for refugees and host communities in Ethiopia and Uganda : a decade of experience : full analysis report
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsPearce, J, Verstraete, L, Mutswenje, M, 'L., K, Magara, P, Goyol, K, 'J., B, Mondorf, D, Klau-Panhans, DH
Corporate AuthorsIRC
Pagination74 p. : 14 tab.
Date Published06/2024
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
Publication LanguageEnglish

The study conducted by the R-WASH Programme (Regional Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Programme for Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Host Communities in East Africa), jointly implemented by UNICEF and UNHCR, examines the development and management of water services in refugee and host communities in Itang Gambella, Ethiopia, and Rwamwanja, Uganda. It highlights the shift from water trucking towards towards sustainable, integrated water supply systems, focusing on the challenges and achievements in infrastructure development, service levels, costs, and financing. The study provides insights into the complexities of ensuring effective and sustainable water supply in refugee-hosting areas. It emphasizes the importance of utility-led models, their impact on the communities, and the strengthening of their social cohesion, offering valuable lessons for similar initiatives in other challenging environments. This comprehensive analysis serves as a resource for stakeholders in the WASH sector, especially in areas with significant refugee populations.


Includes 24 ref.

Citation Key91210
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