Baseline assessment report on rural water service levels in Mile, Afar and South Ari, SNNPR.
Title | Sustaining rural water services in Ethiopia : rural water service levels report |
Publication Type | Progress Report |
Year of Publication | 2018 |
Authors | Adank, M, Hailegiorgis, B |
Pagination | 21 p. : 3 fig., 9 tab. |
Date Published | 12/2018 |
Publisher | IRC Ethiopia and USAID |
Place Published | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
Publication Language | English |
Abstract | This report uses the data from an asset inventory to estimate the level of services provided in the urban and rural areas of the two focus woredas of Sustainable WASH Systems learning partnership in Ethiopia, South Ari (SNNPR) and Mile (Afar). Service levels are assessed using different available approaches. These include the JMP water ladder, which differentiates between safely managed services, basic services, limited services and unserved, and using national norms and standards as set out in Ethiopia's first and second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-1 and GTP-2). The levels of service provided by the two main service delivery models, community-managed schemes and utility-managed schemes, are separately assessed. |
Notes | Includes 5 ref. |