Title | Sustainable pathways to attain the millennium development goals : assessing the key role of water, energy and sanitation |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2005 |
Authors | Rockström, J, G. Axberg, N, Falkenmark, M, Lannerstad, M, Rosemarin, A, Caldwell, I, Arvidson, A, Nordström, M |
Pagination | vi, 104 p.; ill.; 9 photographs; 47 tab.; 74 fig.; 2 boxes; 95 refs. |
Date Published | 2005-08-01 |
Publisher | Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) |
Place Published | Stockholm, Sweden |
ISSN Number | 9197523844 |
Keywords | access to water, energy, millennium development goals, sanitation, sustainability, sustainable development, WASHCost, water, water supply |
Abstract | The purpose of this study is twofold. First, to manifest the importance of the environment to attain the MDGs. Secondly, to make the case, based on scientific analyses on freshwater, energy and sanitation, where environmentally sustainable management strategies are a prerequisite for long term and resilient improvement of the lives of poor people in the world. This study introduces innovative and sustainable solutions to reduce poverty within the context of the MDGs. We argue that such solutions are required not only to reach the 2015 targets, but also for sustaining the results forming a platform for the continued work to eradicate hunger and poverty in the years to come thereafter. [authors abstract] |
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