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This case study describes barriers to sustainability and WaterAid's approaches to addressing them in Nicaragua..

TitleSupporting sustainable WASH services in difficult operating environments : a case study from Nicaragua
Publication TypeCase Study
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSchweitzer, R, Briemberg, J, Casey, V
Pagination12 p. : 1 box, 1 tab.
Date Published07/2017
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Publication LanguageEnglish

This document is aimed at WASH practitioners and policy makers working to develop management and support processes that strengthen service sustainability. It seeks to share WaterAid Nicaragua’s experiences of working to strengthen sustainable WASH service provision in an environment characterised by weak and under resourced institutions, exposure to disasters, as well as a history of conflict and political polarisation. To achieve this objective, WaterAid Nicaragua works to strengthen service delivery, strategic planning, financing, monitoring, coordination, accountability mechanisms and post-implementation support functions of permanent institutions. This case study describes barriers to sustainability and WaterAid’s approaches to addressing them.


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