Title | Supporting non-state providers (NSPs) in sanitation service delivery |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2006 |
Authors | Scott, R, Sansom, K |
Secondary Title | WELL Task |
Volume | 2765 |
Edition | Final draft report |
Pagination | v, 26 p.; 1 fig.; 3 tab.; 6 boxes |
Date Published | 2006-01-01 |
Publisher | Water and Environmental Health at London and Loughborough (WELL) |
Place Published | London, UK |
Keywords | access to sanitation, case studies, peri-urban communities, rural areas, rural development, rural supply systems, sanitation services |
Abstract | The vast majority of sanitation facilities – both in rural and peri-urban areas – are on-site solutions provided by households or local communities, supported by small scale entrepreneurs (non-state providers, NSPs) in aspects of construction (such as digging pits, making latrine slabs), operation and maintenance (emptying pits, managing and cleaning public latrines, etc.). Such non-state providers typically operate independently to the state – offering basic sanitation services where the state’s limited capacity has hindered public provision. It should be noted that the provision of comprehensive sewerage systems and wastewater treatment is more expensive per captia than piped water supplies. It is for this reason that on-site sanitation is often the preferred solution. [authors abstract] |
Notes | With bibliography p. 24 - 26 |
Custom 1 | 300 |