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This case study highlights how an organisation can identify potential threats to institutional sustainability common in an extremely low resource environment, and can create a responsible exit strategy.

TitleSupporting institutional sustainability to deliver permanent WASH services in Malawi
Publication TypeCase Study
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBoulenouar, J, Byrns, S, Hughes, G
Pagination15 p. : boxes
Date Published07/2017
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Publication LanguageEnglish

This case study highlights how an organisation can identify potential threats to institutional sustainability common in an extremely low resource environment, and create a strategy for a responsible operational withdrawal as a project comes to a close, in ways that ensure local stakeholders are well equipped to sustain project gains well into the future. It is based on experiences emerging from development of WaterAid’s exit strategy in Salima district in Malawi. [Author abstract]




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