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This paper presents the results of a baseline survey on disability-related problems on access and accessibility to sanitation in the BRAC WASH III programme. 

TitleStrengthening the role of WASH and disabilities in Bangladesh
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSnel, M, Bostoen, K, Biran, A, IRC
Secondary Title38th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough University, UK, 2015
Pagination5 p. : 1 fig.
Date Published07/2015
PublisherWater, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University
Place PublishedLoughborough, UK
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, disabilities, Qualitative Information System

In 2014, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and IRC obtained a grant from the Australian Development and Research Awards Scheme (ADRAS) to research accessibility to sanitation in relation with disabilities in Bangladesh and Malawi. The project aims to obtain prevalence of disability-related problems on access and accessibility to sanitation and reflect on a mitigation strategy to be rolled out beyond the project. Initial findings from a baseline survey using the Qualitative Information System (QIS) methodology are: to address the problem of adapted sanitation facilities, a general mobility problem needs solving first; to discuss solutions, social barriers around both sanitation and disability need to be lifted by all relevant stakeholders. To address suitable solutions in a cost-effective and up-scalable way, a dialogue between provider and user seems to be the best way forward in Bangladesh. At the same time, self-assessment by the disabled does not always result in the most appropriate solution (author abstract).


Includes 16 ref.





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