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TitleStrengthening local governance for improved water and sanitation services
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsDe la Harpe, J
Pagination17 p. : 8 fig.
Date Published12/2007
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsfinancing, governance, infrastructure, institutional framework, legislation, local level, planning, policies, sanitation services, sdiman, sustainable development, water supply services

It has been long recognised that good local governance is necessary for the achievement of sustainable water and sanitation services. It is also crucial for sustainable economic growth and development. The challenge is to understand what good governance means at the local level for improved water, sanitation, and health (WASH) services, and how to achieve it. Institutions responsible for WASH, such as municipalities, governorates, districts, community based organisations and so on, often lack the necessary capacity, skills and resources to fulfil their governance responsibilities effectively. Responsibilities are often devolved without the necessary matching resources and support. This paper answers a range of questions on local governance for water, sanitation and hygiene


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