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These proceedings contain the presentations and working group papers of the workshop on intersectoral water management in developing countries.

TitleStrategies for intersectoral water management in developing countries : challenges and consequences for agriculture : proceedings of the International Workshop held from 6th-10th May 1996 in Berlin, Germany
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsRichter, J, Wolff, P, Franzen, H, Heim, F
Pagination364 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published1997-08-01
PublisherGerman Foundation for International Development (DSE)
Place PublishedFeldafing, Germany
ISBN Number3931227200
Keywordsagriculture, cab97/6, capacity building, development cooperation, policies, research, sdiwrm, training, water management, water resources management, water rights

These proceedings contain the presentations and working group papers of the workshop on intersectoral water management in developing countries. The workshop also provided recommendations which addressed four areas: water policies; water research; training and capacity-building for intersectoral water management; and development assistance. The fifteen prepared papers included: general background papers on cultural dimensions, global water problems, tradable water rights, institutional arrangements, international water scarcity, and allocation mechanisms; case studies from Peru, India, Thailand, Tunisia, the Middle East; and papers on donor policies from KfW (Germany), FAO and World Bank.

NotesIncludes references
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