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TitleStrategies for handpump water supply in less-developed countries
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsCarter, RC, Tyrrel, SF, Howsam, P
Paginationp. 130-136 : 3 tab.
Date Published1996-04-01
Keywordsevaluation, guidelines, hand pumps, impact, objectives, planning, programmes, wells

Community water supply programmes in developing countries frequently utilize wells or boreholes equipped with handpumps as the technology of choice. Whilst simple targets concerning numbers of wells to be drilled or villages to be served are often prominent, the wider objectives of such programmes are rarely expressed in quantified terms and, as a consequence, programme impact is often disappointing as well as difficult to evaluate. Because objectives are not clear, programme strategy fails to include all the issues and activities which are necessary to achieve the maximum beneficial impact on participating communities. In the paper, target objectives, checklists of programme activities, and staffing requirements are proposed. The subject of programme impact is briefly discussed, and a realistic approach to programme evaluation is outlined. The paper is intended both as an aid to project planners and as a guide to managers and evaluators of existing well-handpump programmes [Authors' abstract].

Notes13 ref.
Custom 1232.2


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