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TitleThe status of rural water services in Ghana : a synthesis of findings from 3 districts (Akatsi, Sunyani West and East Gonja Districts)
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsAdank, M, Kumasi, TC, Abbey, E, Dickinson, N, Dzansi, P, Atengdem, JA, T. Chimbar, L, Appiah-Effah, E
Secondary TitleTriple-S – Working Paper
Paginationxi, 71 p.; 24 fig.; 15 tab.; 2 boxes
Date Published04/2013
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsghana akatsi, ghana east gonja, ghana sunyani west, impact assessment, monitoring, rural supply systems, standards, Triple-S (Sustainable Services at Scale), water authorities, water supply services

This report presents a synthesis of the results of a baseline assessment of the status of service levels, service providers and support functions in three districts in Ghana. The main objective of the report is to identify strengths and gaps in the provision of sustainable water services at service provision and district levels, particularly in terms of compliance with the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) norms and standards for service levels, and service provider and service authority functions. Between October 2011 and January 2012, baseline data were collected in order to score and benchmark facilities, service providers and service authorities against the agreed indicators. The data collection exercise was undertaken by district-level staff, using mobile phone technology, in three districts: Akatsi district in Volta Region, East Gonja in Northern Region and Sunyani West in Brong Ahafo Region. The study showed a high level of non-compliance with CWSA norms and standards, at service provision level, water service provider – Water and Sanitation Committee (WATSAN) and Water and Sanitation Development Board (WSDB) – level and at service authority (district assembly) level. [authors abstract]


With bibliography on p. 55 - 56

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Citation Key73868




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