GARNET stands for Global Applied Research Network for Water Supply and Sanitation, an initiative which was formally presented and endorsed at the SAFE WATER 2000 meeting in Delhi.
Title | Status report on GARNET |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 1991 |
Authors | Hafner, C, Campbell, DB, Chauvin, J |
Pagination | 20 p.: tab. |
Date Published | 1991-01-01 |
Keywords | information networks, research, sanitation, water supply |
Abstract | GARNET stands for Global Applied Research Network for Water Supply and Sanitation, an initiative which was formally presented and endorsed at the SAFE WATER 2000 meeting in Delhi. This paper aims to further define what GARNET\AB is, and to describe what has been accomplished during the first year of operation. The purpose of GARNET is to create and support a highly decentralized structure of existing organizations, using current information technology,\AB to encourage the exchange of information and ideas on applied research on a permanent, efficient, and regular basis. The paper describes how the network functions using a Global Network Coordinator (GNC), Topical Network\AB Coordinators (TNCs), and Regional Network Coordinators (RNCs). Apart from outlining the issues covered by the network, the paper also examines the network's accomplishments, problems that needed attention, issues outside the\AB network's mandate, and its future plans. Appendix 1 consists of a list of TNCs and RNCs. |
Notes | Appendix 1 consists of a list of Topical Network Coordinators |
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