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TitleStarting a learning alliance
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMorris, M, Butterworth, J
Paginationp. 243 - 255; 7 boxes
Date Published2011-01-01
Keywordsaction learning, distance learning, water management

How can you engage stakeholders more effectively in change? How can you put new solutions into practice more effectively? A learning alliance may help to find some of the answers to these questions. Learning alliances provide a means to tackle difficult problems jointly. The SWITCH project promoted and used learning alliances to encourage the scaling-up of innovations in sustainable urban water management. The vision was a far-sighted and integrated approach, looking to the city of the future and to all aspects of the urban water cycle. This guideline considers why a learning alliance can be a useful form of stakeholder engagement and how to start the learning alliance process. It includes examples from the SWITCH experience that could be instructive. [authors abstract]


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