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This working paper provides a comprehensive summary of the historical development of Sri Lanka's urban water and sanitation sectors together with a review of plans for future development.

TitleSri Lanka’s water supply and sanitation sector : achievements and a way forward
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsFan, M
Secondary TitleADB South Asia working paper series
Paginationvii, 41 p. : 3 fig., 5 tab.
Date Published06/2015
PublisherAsian Development Bank
Place PublishedManila, Philippines
Publication LanguageEnglish

This working paper uses the most recent urban water supply and sanitation sector data to provide a comprehensive summary of the historical development of Sri Lanka’s water and sanitation sectors together with a review of plans for future development. It presents the evolution of the country’s water supply and sanitation sector over the past 10 years, with a comprehensive assessment of its current operational and financial status. This report is intended as a guide to help implementation and realization of the government’s vision for the sector by identifying key strategic themes that need to be addressed. It also recommends the strategic action plan in (i) sector governance and institutional framework, (ii) financial stability and planning, (iii) operational efficiency, (iv) emerging and sustainability issues, and (v) private sector participation [author abstract]


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Citation Key79800



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