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TitleSource book of alternative technologies for freshwater augmentation in Africa
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsInstitute of Water and Sanitation Development -Harare, ZW, IWSD, TREND -Kumasi, GH, Training, Research and Networking for Development, NETWAS -Nairobi, KE, Network for Water and Sanitation, UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre -Osaka/Shiga, JP, IETC, CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout, Nairobi, KEUNEP-
Secondary TitleTechnical publication series / UNEP
Volumeno. 8A
Paginationx, 173 p. : ill., tab.
Date Published1998-01-01
PublisherUNEP International Environmental Technology Centre
Place PublishedOsaka, Japan
ISBN Number9280715088A
Keywordsappropriate technology, case studies, gambia, kenya, safe water supply, sdiafr, sdiwat, uganda, wastewater treatment, water conservation, water quality, water reuse, zimbabwe
NotesIncludes references
Custom 1201


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