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TitleSolid waste management in emergencies
Publication TypeFact Sheet
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsRouse, J, Reed, B
Secondary TitleTechnical notes on drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies
Pagination4 p.; ill.; 2 box.; 6 fig.
Date Published01/2013
PublisherWorld Health Organization (WHO)
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsdisposal, solid waste treatment, solid wastes, waste management

The safe disposal of solid waste is critical for public health during an emergency. Not only will existing collection and disposal systems be disrupted, but there will be extra waste caused by the emergency
itself. Initially, for new sites such as refugee camps, there will be no arrangements in place at all. If solid waste is not dealt with quickly, serious health risks will develop which will further demoralize the
community already traumatized by the emergency. This technical note highlights the key issues to consider in managing solid waste during and shortly after a disaster.

(authors abstract)

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Citation Key67238


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