Recommendations to the Dutch government on how to reduce the potential adverse social and environmental impacts of the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) project for flood control in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Title | Social justice at bay : the Dutch role in Jakarta's coastal defence and land reclamation |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2017 |
Authors | Bakker, M, Kishimoto, S, Nooy, C |
Pagination | 70 p. : 2 boxes, 7 fig., 7 tab. |
Date Published | 04/2017 |
Publisher | Both ENDS, SOMO and Transnational Institute (TNI) |
Place Published | Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Publication Language | English |
ISBN Number | 978-94-6207-115-5 |
Abstract | This report provides evidence on how best to tackle Jakarta's flood problem in a sustainable and effective manner. It gives recommendations to the Dutch government on how to reduce the potential adverse social and environmental impacts of the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) project. This includes a reconsideration of the design of the plan, on the basis of a full environmental and social impact assessment. Furthermore, the report aims to hold the Dutch government accountable for adhering to its international human rights obligations and its high standards with regard to good water governance. The report also highlights the implications of merging the trade and aid agendas. Support to the business interests and sector expertise of the Netherlands can conflict with development objectives if an adequate analysis of contextual complexities and balancing of private versus public interests is absent. The report highlights the importance of following independent assessment criteria safeguarding public interests in order to make sure that possible implications are identified early in a project and dealt with accordingly. Finally, report provides information for Indonesian civil society organisations to support them in their advocacy for social justice – in particular the protection of livelihoods of local fishing communities and their dependents – and all citizens of Jakarta, who have the right to equal and affordable access to clean water. They have formulated recommendations towards the Indonesian government which are also included in this report. |
Notes | Includes 222 notes |
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