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TitleSituation of the water supply and sanitation sector in the Central and East European countries, the New Independent States and Mongolia : inquiry on information and preparation of country issue papers
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsSchwingshandl, A, Weidel, H, Mayer, J
Pagination20 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published1996-06-01
Keywordsaccess to water, bulgaria, constraints, croatia, czech republic, estonia, hungary, international cooperation, kyrgyzstan, latvia, moldova, mongolia, poland, romania, russian federation, sanitation, sdicee, sdisan, sdiwrm, slovakia, statistics, ukraine, water quality, water supply
Notes5 ref
Custom 1821, 822
Original PublicationWater supply and sanitation in Central and East European countries, New Independent States and Mongolia


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