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TitleSharing experiences: effective hygiene promotion in South-East Asia and the Pacific
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsMitcham, AUWaterAid A, International WaterCentre -Brisbane, AU, IWC, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL
Pagination76 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.
Date Published2010-10-01
PublisherWaterAid Australia
Place PublishedMitcham, Vic, Australia
ISSN Number9781921499036

The Australian WASH Reference Group, led by WaterAid Australia, received funding from the AusAID NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) Innovations Fund to achieve the objective of strengthening the capacity of organisations in Australia, South-East Asia and the Pacific to design and deliver effective hygiene promotion programs leading to the improved health of communities. This publication represents a key output of this AusAID funding, and it is being disseminated in conjunction with learning workshops both in Australia and the two target regions, so that the key findings can be shared widely among WASH and public health practitioners. This publication searches for answers to the question : what makes hygiene promotion work? The search is guided in the following pages by two keynote papers and 11 project case studies. Each of the case studies examines hygiene promotion from its own perspective, ranging from large national campaigns to remote island communities. The case studies are written by authors from a wide variety of organisations: governments, local and international NGOs, and small and large donor programs. The majority of case studies describe experiences in the Pacific and South-East Asia, while a few highlight different approaches and issues from other regions. The keynote papers and case studies in this publication are intended to provide a wide range of information, in some depth, about hygiene promotion. All case studies offer practical learnings and tools so that we can reflect upon these experiences, and also consider applying some of the techniques in our own work. Many of the case studies describe projects that are currently being implemented in the region. This publication does not take a position on which approach is the most effective for achieving hygiene behaviour change; rather, it illustrates what has been done, what has worked and what has not, and what we have learnt. [authors abstract]

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