The report provides specific recommendations for woreda-level planning of Self-supply acceleration activities, market and business development, and group-led Self-supply.
Title | Self-supply in seven woredas : report of a baseline survey for Millennium Water Alliance Self-supply Acceleration pilots |
Publication Type | Progress Report |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Mekonta, L, Terefe, B, Butterworth, J, Damte, B |
Pagination | vii, 60 p. : 21 fig., 1 tab. |
Date Published | 06/2016 |
Publisher | IRC |
Place Published | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
Type | Baseline Report |
Publication Language | English |
Abstract | This report provides a summary of the findings of a baseline survey on Self-supply within seven woredas (divisions) in Oromia and Amhara, where Millennium Water Alliance-Ethiopia Programme (MWA-EP) partners are implementing an innovative Self-supply acceleration pilot. The baseline data collection was undertaken by woreda government officials, seeking to drive their further engagement in Self-supply acceleration activities. The findings provide a basis for both follow-up planning and measurement of the impacts of the pilot. Prepared by Lemessa Mekonta, Bethel Terefe and John Butterworth from IRC Ethiopia, with additional inputs by Bekele Damte from Aqua for All, on behalf of the Millennium Water Alliance Ethiopia Programme (MWA-EP). Self-supply Acceleration pilot activities within the MWA-EP are funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and the activity partners IRC, CARE, CRS, World Vision, Aqua for All and |
Notes | Includes 8 ref. |