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TitleSector wide approaches for water and sanitation development
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsMoriarty, PB, Visscher, JT, Saade, L, Blokland, MW
Paginationix, 110 p. : fig.
Date Published2002-03-01
PublisherNetherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordsbangladesh, development cooperation, egypt, india gujarat, literature reviews, mozambique, netherlands, policies, sanitation, sdipol, south africa, tanzania, water supply, yemen

Sector wide approaches (SWAp) are long-term programmes meant to coordinate aid in one sector and to replace the conventional project approach. This document includes a literature review on sector wide approaches for water supply and sanitation (WSS) development and the findings of a workshop of Dutch WSS sector specialists held in Geneva in Oct 2000. The workshop concluded that SWAp should strengthen partner capacity building more than be seen as a prerequisite for funding; and that SWAp in the WSS sector needs to be more flexible than those in the health and education sectors. Country papers are presented on Mozambique, Tanzania, Egypt, South Africa, Yemen, Bangladesh and Gujarat (India) where the Netherlands provides bilateral support to the WSS sector. A background paper on sector trends is included in an appendix.


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Original PublicationDevelopment of sector wide approaches in water and sanitation : Meeting on Sector Wide Approaches, Geneva 2-5 October 2000


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