Sector learning is about capturing and sharing of experiences in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector and to develop the capacity to reflect on the lessons.
Title | Sector Learning: Anticipating and adapting to change for better WASH service delivery |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2010 |
Authors | Lieshout, R, Uytewaal, E |
Pagination | 8 |
Abstract | The water, sanitation and hygiene development sector is complex and in a state of change. Actors from national to community level play significant roles and interact in multiple, often unplanned ways. The need to share experiences and knowledge is underlined by two trends – one towards decentralisation, taking greater responsibility at more local levels; the other for greater integration and coordination in the sector. This brochure gives a short overview of what is happening in the sector and some examples of learning from Resource Centres in Africa, Asia and Latin America. |