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TitleSDC sector policy on water supply and sanitation
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsSDC -Bern, CH, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Secondary TitleSeries SDC sector policies
Pagination52 p.: photogr.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherSwiss Development Cooperation, Water and Infrastructure Service
Place PublishedBern, Switzerland
Keywordsdevelopment cooperation, policies, projects, sanitation, switzerland, water supply

The Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) formulates a sector policy for each of its key sectors. These policies form part of SDC's operational management tools and contain directions for the work in a given sector. This document on water supply and sanitation refers to the use of water to cover immediate human needs, the disposal of wastewater, excreta and solid waste, as well as hygiene education. The objectives of the SDC water supply and sanitation sector policy is to contribute actively to the protection and conservation of natural freshwater resources in developing countries, and to the efficient use and preservation of non-renewable or partially renewable natural resources in developing countries. It contains SDC's targets and strategies to promote a well-balanced development, as far as infrastructural measures in water supply and sanitation are concerned. Attention is given to various interest groups, as well as to natural, cultural and socio-economic factors. There is great emphasis on women's participation in the planning, implementation and evaluation of water supply and sanitation programmes. Annex 1 of the document contains proposals for defining project-specific indicators with regard to planning, evaluation, monitoring and implementation of water supply and sanitation installations. Annex 2 contains a selected bibliography pertaining to the water supply and sanitation sector.

NotesTranslation of: DEH Sektorpolitik Wasserversorgung und Siedlungshygiene, 1993. - Also available in French, isn 12351. - 22 ref.
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