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TitleScoping report on assessing the initiatives to strengthening rural water service delivery models in Ethiopia
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsChaka, T, Butterworth, J
PaginationP. 7-8
Date Published2010-06-01
Keywordsethiopia, financing, self supply, sustainability, sustainable development, WASHCost

Reaching very ambitious targets to provide water and sanitation to all is currently attracting huge efforts from government (funding about half of sector investments), donors (a little over a quarter) and NGOs (a little under a quarter) in Ethiopia. However, currently fragmented projects and programmes place a huge burden on government with high transaction costs while levels of capacity are low. As a result significant levels of funds remain unspent and construction of new schemes is slower than required. Other concerns are a lack of sustainability due to an emphasis on construction with inadequate post-construction support. The main recognized service delivery model is community management where operation and minor repairs are the responsibility of WASHCOs. The ‘One WASH’ programme builds upon this model and aims to harmonise efforts around one plan, one budget and one report (at woreda, regional and national levels). This includes a common approach (including a project implementation manual) and improved standardized M&E (woreda
inventory) which will provide a common framework for all regions and actors to implement and monitor progress. Increasing amounts of finance from donors are also expected to flow through a common fund (multi donor trust fund) and procurement be more aligned with government guidelines. While working within one plan, budget and report, different implementation modes (e.g. in disbursement, procurement, accounting and financial reporting) and actors are expected to remain including large numbers of implementing NGOs. It is also recognized that a mix of Service delivery models are required: Self supply and multiple use approaches being identified in the accelerated universal access plan and innovations like the Community Development Fund are being seriously considered for scaling-up. This presentation presents the results of a Triple-S scoping study in Ethiopia that aimed to examine existing service delivery models and their performance, as well as innovative approaches and potential application at scale. It focuses in particular on the challenges of moving towards a harmonized sector based upon a series of key informant interviews. Everyone seems to agree this is a good thing, but progress is slow in harmonizing actions rather than rhetoric. Analysis includes identified barriers towards harmonization, and possible drivers of change and opportunities to overcome these obstacles. [authors abstract]

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